
We believe that self-directed creative artistic activity, literature, poetry, music, acting and community experience all help us to understand ourselves and the world around us. “ART FOR TAKEAWAY” (ART-RAVALÓ) is the socio-art project of Subjective Values Foundation and Faktor Terminál Association for young adults (18-24 years) raised in state care,

The young people involved in the project participate in arts and career orientation training for 9 months. The training is registered in the Hungarian adult education system. Our goal is personality development through artistic activities, supporting the participants in forming a positive self-image and outlook on their future, in successful employment and social integration.

The training program includes:

  • theater art training
  • lifestyle counselling
  • individual career orientation counselling program
  • experiential pedagogy workshops
  • personalized coaching
  • regular meetings with peers
  • developing basic economic skills
  • widening the cultural horizon (visiting theaters and museums)

The programme takes place in Budapest for 9 months from September to May, during which time the participating young people are provided with accommodation, catering, as well as coverage for using public transportation in the city, free of charge.

We talk about our programme in this video with English subtitles.

amorf kompo 47 min 1 2

 The project is supported by the National Crime Prevention Council.


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